
Project “Horizon”

To make a long story short: we’re making a movie set in the Star Trek universe. For certain, it will last 40 minutes. For certain, it will be released in 2009. If you need more details, read on.

The beginning

Everything has begun when one of the current project leaders, Dominik “Domko” Kocuj uttered a simple question on one of the polish message boards dedicated to Trek. The question was as following “why there are no Polish fan productions?” and sparked a lively discussion in April 2004 and following months. A small group of fans coalesced around the idea and finally, in January 2006 pre-production of Horizon was started. Half a year later, in September 2006, first shooting session took place.

Mission and Goals

There are always some fundamental ideas and motifs which serve as foundations of every enterprise. Horizon is no different. Three basic things are fundamental to this project.First of all, it’s – what a surprise – Star Trek. We are aiming to create a movie which will be our own Star Trek, but a Trek nonetheless, not a mixture of every conceivable pop culture idea. Obviously, it is also our unique interpretation of Gene Roddenberry’s work, being at the same time a tribute to it.The second thing is professionalism. Our team is organized in a way reassembling real movie productions. Everyone has his or her clearly defined role and decision making capability. It often happens in fan productions that a director works – for example – at the same time on editing, special effects and music mixing. The results aren’t hard to overlook. In the Horizon team, no such situations occur. The way Non-Govermantal Organizations operate also gave us ideas how to organize the team and production process. Furthermore, in areas like F/X. music creation, etc. professional software is utilized.

The third basic idea of the “Horizon” project is it’s non-commercial status. No profit will be made from this movie. No DVD’s will be sold. Horizon is created solely using small donations and money put in by it’s creators. No high-level specialists working on it is paid in any way.

Project status

Currently, 80% of the first part was shot. Few outdoors scenes are not yet completed, mostly because of winter conditions. Most of the indoor scenes are at the moment in post-production phase. A few of the space animations are finished. Planned release date is 2009.
